Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Bench Building and Park Caravan

We had lots of errands to run this morning including picking up a couple of extra 1/4/10's to complete the 7' bench today...we got over to Caroline's and she already had a lunch packed for the kids and was ready to roll to the park!

Jeff went to work on the additional bench and Caroline, me and the kids headed off to the RV Park where we are--Ryan wanted to see the RV again.  He had seen it when they were in Edmonds for Thanksgiving but not when it was all set up.  He really asked good questions about how we get our water, what happens when the toilet flushes, etc.  Really good for a 4 year old!

We walked to a play park maybe 1/4 mile from the RV Park, with Ryan on his bike with training wheels, Caroline pushing the huge "Anna carriage", Anna walking, me trying to hold Casey back!  When I was holding Anna's hand (walking very slowly!), trying to rein in Casey as he's pulling me along, with Caroline trying to push Ryan through dirt, grass, alternating with me trying to push him while Caroline held Anna and pushed the chariot...Wow!  We were quite the group to see!

Nevertheless we had a great time, repeated the return scenario and found that Jeff had almost completed the bench!  Ryan had fun helping him and got to hammer a couple of nails!

Josh came home from work and got a run in and then they all came over to the RV--Josh wanted to see it "in flight" mode and then had a good Middle Eastern dinner.  We get back to "home" each night about 8 or 9...we're old farts and tired tonight!!!

We're off tomorrow to Klamath Falls.  It will take us about an hour to get ready tomorrow morning, after we have breakfast, wash dishes, shower, walk Casey x2, etc.  Caroline signs Ryan up for kindergarten tomorrow--so exciting!  The drive will be about 3 hours in this rig so....we'll reconvene then!

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